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Saturday, 14 September 2024
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    Community housing accreditation course January 2019

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    Lyvennet Community Trust, Crosby Ravensworth

    David Graham with Rory Stewart MP dedicating the time capsule for Stoneworks Garth. Picture by F C Wilson

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    Keswick Community Housing Trust

    Allerdale Borough Council visit to the Hopes scheme

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    Trustees, community members and supporters at the opening of the Hopes scheme

    Picture courtesy of the Keswick Reminder, December 2013.

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    Leeds Community Homes team meeting

Andy Lloyd

Community Led Homes Accredited Adviser

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I am an accredited community led housing (CLH) adviser affiliated to the National Community Land Trust Network based in Cumbria and working nationally. CLH advisers help community groups to deliver their vision for local housing projects, whether via partnership arrangements with Housing Associations or independently. They do this by providing workshops and training to clarify the vision and objectives, provide an overview of the development process, ensure good organisation and select delivery methods appropriate to community capacity.

My background is as a Rural Housing Enabler in the South of England, then Community Land Trust Development Officer in Cumbria where I assisted the Lyvennet Community Trust, Keswick Community Housing Trust and other CLTs. I served as a board member of the National CLT Network up to 2015 and was a consultee for the Community Land Trust Handbook and the Scottish Rural Housing Service Community Bonds Handbook. I helped advise Local Authorities in Lancashire and Cumbria on the implementation of the first CLH fund and have supported CLH Hubs in Cumbria, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Manchester and elsewhere.

October 2022

Even though the Community Housing Fund has ended  there are still potential sources of funding to cover setup and predevelopment of community housing projects. Check with your CLH adviser or local Hub (clhhub.org.uk). 

Congratulations Lune Valley CLT and South Lakes Housing on the iminent completion of 20 affordable passive house homes!

News - Lune Valley Community Land Trust (lunevalleyclt.org)

Call for the Community Housing Fund to be renewed | CLT Network (communitylandtrusts.org.uk)

May 2022

Congratulations to Common Ground co-housing CLT, County Wicklow in publishing your strategic prospectus aimed at pioneering the first mutual home ownership protected affordable homes for Ireland. It has been a pleasure to get to know you all and to be able to contribute to this key stone document. Common Ground | Housing (commongroundclh.ie)

Community Led Housing includes:

  • Community Land Trusts
  • Co-operative housing
  • Group or individual self-build
  • Co-housing
  • Self-help housing

See all Community Led Housing types, funding & support at www.communityledhomes.org.uk 

Community Led Housing can

  • Help people to stay close to their jobs and families and maintain social links and support.
  • Help retain employees.
  • Provide functional sized homes able to retain families in their communities and live effective lives.
  • Help combat loneliness through models like Co-Housing which combine private and community spaces, sharing resources more sustainably
  • Protect homes for future generations
  • Maximise affordability, provide household stability and free up income to spend in the local economy
  • Lead to development of other assets which the community needs - community buildings, green spaces, food and energy production.
  • Generate surpluses further down the road which can be re-invested in the community

 What are CLTs?

From the National CLT Network website “Community Land Trusts (CLTs) are local organisations set up and run by ordinary people to develop and manage homes as well as other assets important to that community, like community enterprises, food growing or workspaces. The CLT’s main task is to make sure these homes are genuinely affordable, based on what people actually earn in their area, not just for now but for every future occupier.”

 Useful links
















Reasons for setting up a Community Led Housing scheme

“People set up and join CLTs / co-ops / co-housing schemes for all sorts of different reasons.  

It might be that there is a lack of affordable homes for young people or families in the village or neighbourhood, where local people are having to move out of the place they call home, and communities want to do something about it. 

It might be that the area has suffered years of decline and distinvestment, leaving empty properties and blight, and the community want to bring homes back into use and turn their neighbourhood around. 

Or it might be that the community is doing a Neighbourhood Plan and they want to take charge of how that Plan is delivered. 

In all these cases, the community wants to make their area a better place to live, and they want more control over how that happens.”

Where does the money come from?

Depending on whether a project will be open market value or affordable housing funding may be made up of a combination of private investment, government funding and charitable sources.



Who builds and manages the homes?

Community groups can build and manage their own projects with professionals in support. However many groups seeking to deliver their vision with a lighter workload have entered into partnership arrangements with developers or housing associations to deliver their projects.

The CLT Network and the Community Led Housing Fund

Community Led Homes was launched in February 2019. We have partnered with the Confederation of Co-operative Housing, Locaility and UK Cohousing to make it easier for communities to access support and build a lasting movement. The National CLT Network has played a leading role in developing a vision for the community led homes sector. We want to build a sector infrastructure that addresses the main barriers faced by community land trusts, cohousing communities, housing co-operatives and other community led groups

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