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Monday, 13 January 2025

Andy Lloyd

Community Led Homes Accredited Adviser

A+ R A-


 The new General Data Protection Regulations require anyone holding data to review and publish a privacy policy. Here is mine:


1. The data I hold has been voluntarily provided by individuals’ in association with my work on community led housing.

2. The only use I make of this data is to communicate with individuals concerning work on community led housing.

3. This data is stored securely on a password-protected computer at my home.

4. This data will not be shared with commercial organisations.

5. The data I hold complies with the reasons for storing data which are permissible under GDPR

6. As and when I cease to use this data for this one purpose, I will cease to store it.


Andy Lloyd

Technical adviser affiliated to the National Community Land Trust Network

25th May 2018

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